Monday, December 6, 2010

General Information

I will be sending a paper newsletter home shortly, but there is a lot going on, so I thought I'd take a minute to post it here.

1. Snow, Snacks & Songs (our Christmas Celebration,) is coming soon. Each classroom is responsible for donating 6 dozen cookies. I don't need a donation from everyone, but if you are willing, please let me know.

2. This week in class the kids will be learning about Christmas traditions in other countries. We learned about St. Lucia Day today (Sweden.)

3. We are in desperate need of pencils and pink erasers if you can help.

4. I'm going to start having one child a day blog here. They can write whatever they like as long as it relates to the classroom. I'd love it if you would respond to their posts so that we can read them during class time.

Thanks again for everything you do!


  1. Looking forward to Snow, Snacks and Song! We can send in some cookies.

    I'll send some pencils in. Is it okay if they have robots on them?:-)

    I can't wait to see what the kids blog about!

  2. Mayrie said...
    At music today, the teacher mentioned that it would be great if all the kids could wear colorful mittens during one of the songs at Snow, Snacks and Songs.
